First of all, what is Edmodo?
It defines itself as a micro-blogging tool for education.
Edmodo is a private microblogging platform that teachers and students can use to send notes, links, files, alerts, assignments, and events to each other. Teachers also have the ability to mark any post from their classes as public to share with the outside world. You can also create private groups for you and your colleagues to collaborate. It's free & simple to use!
It is NOT public and that makes it much more useful for education. Think of it as a social network for a specific class, with some very basic file transfer and scheduling tools. I wouldn't use it as a substitute for Moodle, but it could be a neat way to engage students in a class and augment the regular methods of information transfer.
So far at the CCBEU we have a few teachers who are registered and already benefiting from sharing work, videos and classes.
I prepared a tutorial to help who doesn't have a hand out from the meeting.
This Is A VERY Interesting & Helpful (Especially To Teachers) Take On The
Marshmallow Test
Arthur C. Brooks fairly often writes about concepts useful to teachers
practicing SEL in their classroom. His most recent one is headlined
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